Falkirk Festival Chorus


Email secretary@falkirkfestivalchorus.org.uk

Charity Number SC007976k

Registered Charity No. SC007976          Affiliated to Making Music Scotland

Our Leaders CONDUCTOR & MUSICAL DIRECTOR  Razvan Luculescu        ACCOMPANIST Ben Eames    CHAIRPERSON  Yvonne Cantlie  SECRETARY  Catherine Smith Introduction to our Website

Our Annual Concert 3 years ago was on 13th May 2018 in Falkirk Town Hall. It was a great success and enjoyed by all. Thank you to all our friends and relations who came to support us.If you missed it or want to hear it again just click on the link here.

Thank you for visiting our website and a very warm welcome. We hope that you will find the content interesting and informative. Falkirk Festival Chorus (The Chorus) is a not-for-profit charity in the town of Falkirk located in the central lowlands of Scotland. The Chorus was formed in the mid 1970s and performed its first annual concert in May 1974 at the Falkirk Tryst Festival. The Chorus, now with some 30 members, continues to promote choral music within the community through its concert performances and seeks to publicise the beauty and enjoyment of choral singing.

If you are interested in choral music and would like to know more about it and the Falkirk Festival Chorus, please contact us using the details provided.

FFC wishes to acknowledge the financial assistance received from FDACC in the development and creation of this website and for its continued support.

We had a very successful concert on 15th May 2022 when we performed some well know Opera Choruses and Faure’s Requiem conducted by Razan Luculescu with AndrewThom as accompanist on piano and organ, and Roxana Nite and Alexandru Onea as soloists. Thank you to everyone who supported us. Below are some photos taken during the rehearsal prior to the concert.

Our project for last year 2023 was Sacred Concerts by Duke Ellington. This is a compilation of his works that he wrote for various churches, arranged for four part choir by two swedes Peder Pedersen and John Høybye. It was accompanied by a fifteen part jazz band with one soloistand was a great success.

Our Final Concert was last December when we performed Vivaldi’s Gloria and some well known Christmas carols . As our numbers were falling and we were unable to encourage new members the decision was taken to close the Choir after this concert. We were very sad that this had to happen, but we could not go on as we were and be financially viable.

We are very grateful to many who were involved with the Choir over the years, especially Razvan Luculescu, our musical director, and of course Bob Tait,  who founded the Choir and was it’s Musical Director for many, many years.

Thank you to one and all for your support over the years.

This website will remail active for a few months and then be withdrawn.

This Organisation has now Closed -See below for details.